Cold Buffet 2.24.11

Uncovering the discovery of Gem’s tale as he rebuilds his life. His vintage style is in for a spin as he battles with living a top-of-the-line life filled with love and the finer things. He wants things to speed up and that’s when life gets real… 



Around six in the am my stomach bubbled hard. It had to be that spicy jerk chicken, rice and peas. I had earlier. I’m eating like time don’t exist. My life so touch and go. Traffic froze in front of my eyes on the way to Walmart. I don’t like shopping there much. Seem like they working me over with their products cuz I know they know.  I took a moment and admired the beauty of the sky. The mix of purple, blue and orange mesmerized me. There are so many colors that exist that I cannot see. When I see multiple ones like this I for sure know there is way more to life than I know. The light turned green. I zoomed on the pedal. I made it to the parking lot. I hopped out with the quickness. I took my cell phone with me every I go, but not this time. The temp dropped about thirty degrees during the night, so I had threw on my leather bombay jacket. On my quick foot, I seen a homeless man sleeping on a park bench. I remember seeing him there another time. His dark yellow eyes looked like he seen some of wildest things the world has to offer. Good to see that got a place to park in this cold weather. After leaving the bathroom, I felt like a new man. It was about twenty minutes after six and I wanted to do something before heading to the breakfast buffet. I had been there since the time I went with my pops a couple of years ago. I never liked being the first person in a restaurant. Maybe the staff mad because I came in and now they gotta do work. Or I’m gonna receive all of the left over from last night. First In First Out. I sat in the car and read my daily bible motivational passage. I noticed one of my favorite wonders of the world. It’s when the sun and the moon are in the sky at the same time. It amazes me that all this can occur. I drifted for a minute then heard the crackling pop of the American flag waving high in the air. Coldness filled the restaurant. People complained that it was too cold to eat. I sat there eating eggs, fried chicken and black coffee. The super friendly waitress called everybody honey and sweetie. I ate french toast and read about chakras. How did I go through out life never hearing about these? I won’t on the importance memo list. But that’s ok. See now that I know it’s about building the life I want and universal laws, I’m gonna treat life totally different. I thought about that dude Will Smith played in the movie Pursuit of Happyness. In the book, he used the importance of blacksmith to get what he wanted. I gotta be more on it. Funny to see that he identified many wizards in greek mythology. In Gardener’s writings, he noted that there is no substitute for hard work.

The syrup from my waffles hardened because of the cold. More and more people poured into the restaurant. I read Stephen Duncan’s, Genre Screenwriting:  How to write popular screenplays that sell.  I jotted down notes that corresponded with this film I started writing in my head. A white lady, with long black stringy hair turned around and asked me if I was doing homework. Yeah something like that. She told me good luck and grabbed her duffle bag. It looked like she carried life around with her in that bag. The heat started kicking in. The manager probably waited to see if people were going to come and eat before he spent money heating up an empty restaurant. I took my jacket off and grabbed an omelet, no cheese, onions, and green peppers. I also got some pineapples and fruit. After I finished my food, I made sure I thanked the waitress. I didn’t have any extra cash to give her a tip. She told me bye and to come again. The situation of her smile reminded me of my mother’s as she dropped me off at school leaving me with burgundy lipstick on my cheek. As I drove, I barely made it library with my eyes open. I had to stop sleeping in the car. I learned about dependency cues in my psychology college class. My body and mind probably thought it was nap time. That itus is so real. After pulling into the parking space. I turned the car off. Fifteen minutes later I woke up. How did I manage to fall asleep that fast? Ah well nobody seen me sleep anyway. I walked up to the second floor of the library full of books, note cards, headphones, two phone chargers and a Scarface DVD. Not the Al Pacino Scarface movie, but the original gangster masterpieces starring Paul Muni from 1932. I thought about logging onto a computer and typing this query letter for this beach party film I wrote.  I chose a desk in the corner that received barely any sunlight. I wanted to see if I could still fall asleep with that nap and all. Within thirty seconds I was knocked. I didn’t take off my coat or hat. I woke up and sat on the couch with a television. A beauty sat down near me. She was younger than me and talked about putting cocoa powder on the light bulb. I told her that’s not the brightest idea. She told me her mother used to do it all the time and how it works like incense.