Upsizing 3.1.11

Uncovering the discovery of Gem’s tale as he rebuilds his life. His vintage style is in for a spin as he battles with living a top-of-the-line life filled with love and the finer things. He wants things to speed up and that’s when life gets real… 




It seems like most people caught in a daily rut. They just do the same thing but not really getting anywhere. I came across this science explanation called the Fibonacci spiral. Its found throughout nature. Peacocks, hair growth source on the head, little swirl that makes finger prints. I heard it naturally occurs. Its even in space. It kinda reminds me of bullseye. Basiclly it says that the more something is repeated it grows faster on itself. If a person has 1 then adds 1 becomes 2. Then they add 2 to the previous 1 brings 3. If they add 3 to 2 got 5. If u add 3 to 5 got 8. If add 8 to 5 got 13. And so on and so on. So the more a person does whatever they are doing will increase in growth the more they do it. Like who learns this type of info? I happened to stumble across the fibonacci. That’s why I gotta stay focused. The more I focus on doing me in a good way the better my life will be I find it in my best interest to look out for me. Especially with all these people gotta remember that I have to keep on going. I am not attached to my past. Yes I do some things that i am not proud of. But I can’t let that eat away at me. I don’t need a license to live. I have the choice to do anything that can come to my mind. I am only doing as I believe.

The field is crazy tho. Always hearing stories about drive bys, drug addicts, and jail sentences. That cannot be the only thing life has to offer. People thinking what’s in their environment be all that it is. They claim they want a bigger than life lifestyle but don’t do wanna do greater than life work. But I seen all this before. Just like when I was in Vanna. Everbody wanted to be the commander in charge. Calling all the shots. Looking to dominiate at any cost. Even at the cost of lives of their own people. This the stype of stuff no one else is seeing or they do see but say nothing about it. Old head called me today. He asked if I was interested in making a trip to Canada. He had some digital security work. Plus he loves foreign women mainly because they can’t come and interrupt his life in America. I don’t know too much about old head. He speaks wisdom, but I can tell there is something going on inside of his head that he doesn’t want to share with the world. That’s ok but I gotta make sure I remember that. He called me asking if I ever seen a movie called Constatine and how he called himself to his death when he looked to kill hiself. He had to go through hell. His body got so tired and grew into his gifts. He got to go back but had to send back to hell. He sees through the body and inside to the soul. It was funny the old head told me about this movie. I always felt like I read peoples energy whether it be positive or negative. It’s hard to explain. Each person has energy and its very important to how they are using it. Since I have been on the wondering trip, I am getting my life in order. It’s not easy with negative energies around me. I’ve been watching the sunsets and sunrises lately. One of the most beautiful scenes of the day. I also heard that sungazing during those time works best because the sun provides vitamin D and sun UV rays are not as strong during those times. Since I’ve been doing this realized I’ve been needing less food as I increase my sun intake. I figure the sun cooks the greens I eat so by taking in the sun I am going straight to the same source for the nutrients and vitamins. I notice I need less sleep too. People carrying out that super fancy electrical equipment with them all day from cell phones, laptops, tablets and think that is not doing anything to the body. People don’t get it. Well they really do, they get it the way they want it. During this information age it’s easier to find out something if a person wants to know. Things people don’t wanna know. They rather let someone else do the thinking for them but not me. I am in a mission to uncover what is going on here cuz no one is going to tell you. I have to go out there and learn it on my own.

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